Three Surprising Health Benefits of Sunshine
Need a little extra motivation to enjoy the outdoors? Exposure to sunlight has some amazing benefits for your physical and mental health!
10 Characteristics of an Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle
There are a plethora of diets, supplements, exercise regimes, and wellness companies that claim to help lower inflammation, but what actually helps to lower inflammation? Are there any things held in common between all of these plans?
What to look for in a protein powder
Protein powders are everywhere. You can buy pre-made protein shakes at the grocery store, you see the gym bros with their post-workout shakers, and can find recipes for protein pancakes on any given mommy blog. But they can be tricky – many of the protein powders have a host of unfamiliar ingredients that make it a challenge to make an informed purchase without hours of research and nutrition education. So how should you decide what protein powder to buy, or if it’s a good choice for you?
Artificial Sweeteners: Are they a healthy option?
Sucralose, saccharin, aspartame, Ace-K … you’ve seen them on labels of your favorite low-calorie, ‘diet,’ or ‘no added sugar’ packaged foods and beverages. But what are artificial sweeteners, and are they beneficial to your health?
The Healing Power of the Breath
Maybe you’ve heard a yoga instructor or your favorite wellness experts extol the importance of focusing on your breath, but why exactly does it matter? And is there a right way to breathe? Breathing is a fundamental part of human life, so it’s no surprise that the way you breathe can have powerful ramifications for your physical and mental health.
15 Healthy Snacks for when you are On-the-Go
Eating healthy while on the go can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible! Here are a few ideas to try out the next time you are packing snacks.
Protein and Menopause
Protein is an important macronutrient at any stage of life, but especially during menopause. During menopause, decreasing levels of estrogen is often associated with an increase of visceral fat mass and a reduction of lean tissue (muscle).
5 Tips for Reducing Added Sugar in your Diet
We’ve all heard the advice: cut down on sugar. Reducing your consumption of added sugars can help prevent inflammation, weight gain, and chronic conditions like Type 2 Diabetes and Heart Disease. But what exactly are added sugars? And how do you get started?
What is the Vagus Nerve?
You have probably heard about the vagus nerve at some point on social media or in health and wellness circles. For good reason – your vagus nerves can have a huge impact on your overall health. How much do you know about its functions, and how it impacts your daily life?
Is It My Thyroid?
There is an epidemic of thyroid disease which seems to be due to the increased exposure to toxins in our world and unhealthy lifestyles. The thyroid gland is the master regulator in the body so it is critically important for the thyroid to function properly.
3 Reasons Why Positive Self-Talk and Compassion Matter
We all talk to ourselves throughout the day, telling ourselves things like “You are going to crush this presentation,” “I’m so stupid,” or “I can’t believe I ate so much chocolate — I have no self-control!” This inner-dialogue that we engage in is called self-talk.
15 Strategies to Improve Your Sleep
Oftentimes on the journey towards wellness, we quickly look to food and nutrition, exercise and movement, stress, and relationships to see what can be optimized and improved, but we forget to prioritize sleep.
How to Write a SMART Goal
A good mnemonic to use when writing goals is to write goals that are SMART — or Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
Making Exercise Part of Your New Lifestyle
Starting a fitness program may be one of the best things you can do for your health. Physical activity reduces your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and more.
5 Quotes to Motivate You to Stick to Your Goals
Congratulations on setting goals for a healthy life. We are so happy for you and we believe you can accomplish whatever you have planned.