What is the Vagus Nerve?
You have probably heard about the vagus nerve at some point on social media or in health and wellness circles. For good reason – your vagus nerves can have a huge impact on your overall health. How much do you know about its functions, and how it impacts your daily life?
Illustrated depiction of the vagus nerves
What is the Vagus Nerve?
You actually have two vagus nerves on the left and right side of your body. The term “vagus,” means wandering in Latin, because they travel all the way from the base of your brain through the abdomen, and pass through almost all of the abdominal organs along the way. The vagus nerves are part of your body’s nervous system, and plays important roles in regulating involuntary body activities.
What does the Vagus Nerve do and how does it impact health?
The vagus nerve serves many crucial functions in the body. One of the main functions is to influence our parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). This system is nicknamed the “rest and digest” system, as it is activated when the body is resting and digesting food, and helps to balance the body after times of stress. In addition, it helps regulate blood pressure, influences mental health and your gastrointestinal system, and regulates many other conditions related to chronic inflammation.
How to improve vagal tone?
You can support your nervous system by living a healthy lifestyle. There are many ways you can stimulate the vagus nerves while at home. Try any of the below:
Diaphragmatic breathing (aka “belly breathing)
Meditation and prayer
Singing or humming
Tai Chi
Walking in nature
Limiting sugar and processed foods