5 Quotes to Motivate You to Stick to Your Goals

Congratulations on setting goals for a healthy life. We are so happy for you and we believe you can accomplish whatever you have planned. If you are anything like us, a month into the year means there have already been times that you have made mistakes, felt discouraged, and wanted to give up altogether. But it’s not time to quit yet! Here are some quotes to encourage you to try again, and to remind you why you set this challenge for yourself in the first place.

"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein

This quote is a great reminder to not obsess over mistakes or make negative judgments of yourself. The important part is that you recognize your mistake, acknowledge your feelings of discouragement or frustration, and then allow it to move past you. Then you can pick up, and start again!

"The greatest wealth is health."


Your health is much more than just absence of disease; it is about feeling well, and feeling whole. Remember that as you are working on your goals — health is about more than the number on your scale or your test results, and it is worth all of the hard work you are putting into it. Remind yourself that you are making these changes to help make yourself whole and well, not just to make your body “thinner,” or “more toned.”

"It always seems impossible until it’s done."

Nelson Mandala

Oftentimes we can become so overwhelmed by the seeming immensity of a goal that we label it as impossible and never get started. Keep hope, take one small step at a time, and soon enough you will have achieved your goal!

"There are far, far better things ahead than we leave behind."

C.S. Lewis

It is tempting to view the changes you are making from a negative perspective — listing out all of the foods you can’t eat, for example. But in reality the changes you are in the process of making will open you up to all sorts of new and positive opportunities — like trying new foods, having more energy to play with your grandkids, hiking a portion of the Appalachian Trail, or traveling just like you have always dreamt of. The list of positive things you reap from working towards your goal is much longer than the ways you are restricted.

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress."

Frederick Douglass

Mistakes are as much a part of the process of changing as successes. Just as the first quote demonstrates the importance of keeping moving, this quote validates that your feelings of frustration, discouragement, or impatience are legitimate — change is a long and difficult process! The times of struggles and slip-ups are important agents that can prompt you to problem-solve, seek support, and internalize your reasons for wanting to make the change you have assigned yourself. Embrace the mistakes and struggles, and know that the journey is as important (if not more-so) than the destination.

If any of these quotes inspire you, feel free to scribble them down on a post-it note or piece of paper and place it somewhere you will see throughout the day! Keep up the good work and keep trying even if you make mistakes!


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